Small Batch Wine
Winemaker - Doug Woodward

Wedded to the Weather is my personal gateway to creativity, fun, learning, and delicious wine. There’s no compromise with my wines - I make them exactly as I want to because, at this stage of life, I can focus on the winemaking. No school runs required, no weekend sport, no pesky trips to the office - you get the idea.
It’s all about the wine.
@Wedded to the Weather
I use organically grown grapes from sustainable vineyards (with the occasional exception) and produce all my wine in very small batches. No individual batch is more than 500-600kgs. It is all super hands-on.
I use wild ferments because I like the flavours and the unpredictability. Often I have two batches of the same grapes side by side in the winery, and they end up tasting quite different. WTTW are not filtered or fined as I like the flavours and texture that result. I press the caps on my ferments by hand so I can manage each individually to achieve the style, extract, colour and intensity I want for what I aim to make - Pet Nat or Orange or still.
I started making wine in the spare bedroom of my suburban home in 2018, and I couldn’t have done it without the valued assistance and support of willing family and friends, including mainstays Sue and Leo Thompson.
This year, 2023, I moved all my kit to the Barossa Valley to share a shed with three other like-minded winemakers. Just another step in the adventure. It has been a joy to work collaboratively in a wine-making environment, to observe, learn and become better. To make even better wine.
WTTW makes wine almost exclusively from Mediterranean varietals. Why? Because I believe these are wines of the future. As our weather changes and warms, I think grape varieties from hotter areas are better suited to our Australian climate. (And making wines that others don't make, is fun!)